General Store Management features
Viewing and editing registered users table
Viewing and editing newsletters subscribers
Viewing the sales history
Translating all textual contents to various languages
Setting mail, telephone and other information for "Contact Us" feature
Ability to define payments table with in-credit payments option
Managing shipping methods and costs
Ability to define one and more sub-administrators with personal credentials and permissions
Content Management features
Dynamic creation of an unlimited number of content pages, such as "About", "Overview", "FAQ", etc. ...
Dynamic creation of "Questions and Answers" page
Creating and managing SEO articles to promote your store in search engines
Managing store scrolling news
Wide selection of the hosting packages on Skatrix servers
Product Management features
Creating unlimited number of products
Creating unlimited number of categories and sub-categories and products association
Defining warranty period for each product
Defining delivery time for various shipment methods for each product
Defining extras and related products reference for each product
Associating products to categories
Simple and intuitive interface to create / edit / delete products
Automatic hiding of products that are out of stock
Shipping methods management (courier, registered mail, etc ...) and setting shipping costs for each method
Ordering categories appearance
Ordering products appearance within categories
Sales Promotional features
Marking some products as "Hot Offer" to make them displayed on the main page
Settings "Market price" and "Our price" for each product
Ordering hot offers on the home page
Newsletters feature allowing to distribute information to registered users
Specifying the hottest product displayed on separate popup window shown when user enters the site
Displaying the blinking logo (New!, Hot!, etc ...) on selected products
Interfacing with prices comparison systems such as
Setting related products for each product
SEO features
Creating and managing articles to promote the store in search engines
A separate interface to manage META tags, page's TITLE and DESCRIPTION
A separate interface to define dynamic URL addresses with full Hebrew / Russian support
"Long Tail" feature automatically updating the site map with direct links to the most popular products
Partner Program with a separate interface available to all partners (Affiliate)